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Category Archives: Pets & Animals
The Life of a Beagle | Bay Area Pet Photographer
My photography teacher asked us to take one photo every week of the same object (living or not). I chose my dog since she’s with me almost all of the time. And she’s always up to something, so I knew creating a photo series on her life would present many opportunities. She’s a Chocolate Tri-Colored Beagle, so she doesn’t have the typical black, brown, and white coloring seen on most Beagles. She’s turning one in just a few weeks and I believe a birthday photo shoot will be in order.
She’s been well behaved for most of our shoots… thanks to peanut butter and lots of dog treats. In all, I will be turning in 12 photos, but here a just a few of my favorites.
Reading up on Beagles? Or staring at a dog treat? You decide.
She is totally a daddy’s girl. Also, peanut butter on the face helps.
And like most dogs, she can sometimes be a diva.
(Veronica Lake, much?)
And I’ll end with my first photo of the series…