Monthly Archives: August 2012

Jackson’s Baptism | Event Photographer

I had the privilege of photographing my cousin’s baptism in New Jersey. I lucked out with a fantastic Priest who pretty much gave me free range of the church. The baptism was intimate and took place after mass. Only Jackson’s closest family and friends were present.

Jackson getting dressed by his Godparents, his dad’s brother and his mom’s sister.

Blessing the baptismal water.

Resting on Mommy’s shoulder after his big day.

Atlantic City | Vacation Photographer

During our trip to New Jersey, we had one free day to visit Atlantic City. A new hotel has opened since our previous visit, so we had to check it out. The Revel has some really gorgeous architecture. Maybe one time we will get to stay over night and enjoy all the hotel and casino have to offer. But on this day, the casino took our money and we were on our way.

The beaches along Atlantic City are surprising clean. If the weather wasn’t so miserably humid, we probably would have stayed a little longer.