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Monthly Archives: September 2012
Fall and Other Things
Pieces of our halloween costumes are scattered throughout the house, the leaves are beginning to change, and crush time in Napa is just around the corner! These can only mean one thing: Fall is here! October is going to be a busy/fun month for us: We will be visiting Napa and Disneyland and of course, it’s my birthday! Napa is strictly a photography trip *ehem.* I hear October is the best month to visit, so I’m looking forward to it! For now, I will day dream about our trip. And here’s a small bowl that sits on our coffee table…
Smoke Photography
As I was working on some high key and low key images, I decided to try something that always intrigued me: Smoke photography. I tracked down some incense at Cost Plus World Market for 99 cents. The most difficult part of smoke photography is getting the smoke and smell out of your house when you are finished! While i shot all of the images with a black background, the white images were achieved in photoshop by inverting the imaging and adding color.